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2 - 3 Wochen


Wann Dir e klengt Geschäft sicht fir Är Mark ze etabléieren, dann ass dëse Package fir Iech. Et huet all d'Basis déi Dir braucht fir Är Identitéit kohärent ze maachen. Loosst eis e staarken Androck maachen, a gräifen d'Opmierksamkeet vun Äre Clienten a Clienten.


Primär Logo

Logo Variatiounen

Benotzerdefinéiert Faarfpalette

Typographie Styling

Mini Brand Style Guide

Finale Logo Dateien [Ai, EPS, PNG, JPG & amp; PDF]

Ee Konzept mat bis zu zwou Ronnen vun Amends

Logo Design

     Primary Logo

     1-2 logo colour-ways

     Custom Colour Palette


Final Logo Files [Ai, EPS, PNG, JPG & PDF]

One Concept with up to Two Rounds of Amends




Average 4 weeks

This package has everything you need to stand out. I will create killer mini-brand guide and logos along with everything you need to bring your brand together.

Mini-Logo Suit

     Primary Logo

     Secondary Logo

     3-5 logo colour-ways

     Mini-Brand Guide

Custom Colour Palette

     Typography Styling

     Social Media Banners



Final Logo Files [Ai, EPS, PNG, JPG & PDF]

One Concept with up to Two Rounds of Amends

Big One



Average 8 weeks

A business' branding is more than just the logo. Your whole brand identity gets you recognised and remembered by your audience. Which all adds up to create your unique business personality. Let's make your brand stand out.

Full Logo Suit

     Primary Logo

     Secondary Logo

     1-2 additional logo variations


     4-6 logo colour-ways

Brand Guide

     Custom Colour Palette

     Typography Styling

     Brand Icons

     Business Card Designs

     Email Signature Design

     Social Media Banners

     Feed Templates

     Story Templates


Final Logo Files [Ai, EPS, PNG, JPG & PDF]

One Concept with up to Two Rounds of Amends



These additions can be added to a package or taken separately if needed.


Determined on project scope.

Logo Design

Social Media Templates

Social Media Banners

Website Graphics

Custom Icons

Brand Patterns

Podcast Artwork


Loyalty Cards

Thank You Cards





Presentation Slides

Packaging Design








Determined on project scope.

Whatever size your company is a website is a must in this digital landscape. You want to be found by as many users as possible and having an online page will help you in the long run.


I am here to guide you on website choices, from pages to content, on hosting to social platforms, I want you to have the right online presence for your company.



     Layout in Figma




Let's work


Let's dive into this design project together! Our collaboration will bring a mix of ideas and creativity, making it an innovative journey.


Expect a relaxed vibe as we navigate challenges, refine visions, and create designs that go beyond expectations.

Start a 


Merci fir d'Soumissioun!

Hei sinn e puer Saachen ze berücksichtegen ier Dir decidéiert mat mir ze schaffen



Ech erfuerderen e puer Virausbezuelung vun de Gesamtprojetkäschte ier ech eng Aarbecht starten. De Betrag hänkt vun de Projetdetailer of, awer et gëtt an Detailer geschriwwe fir kloer ze bleiwen. Dëst ass eng Standard Industrie Praxis déi hëlleft e fairen an transparenten Bezuelungsprozess fir béid Parteien ze garantéieren.

Qualitéit iwwer Geschwindegkeet


Wann Dir no enger Websäit sicht fir an enger ganz kuerzer Zäit fäerdeg ze sinn, sinn ech vläicht net déi Bescht fir Är Bedierfnesser. Ech gleewen datt déi néideg Zäit ze huelen fir e Projet grëndlech ze fuerschen, ze plangen an auszeféieren ass essentiell fir qualitativ héichwäerteg Aarbecht ze liwweren déi Client Erwaardungen entsprécht oder iwwerschreift.



Ech schätzen d'Zesummenaarbecht an d'aktiv Bedeelegung vu menge Clienten am ganzen Designprozess. Wat Dir méi am Projet engagéiert sidd, a wat Dir méi séier fäeg sidd Feedback ze ginn an Entscheedungen ze treffen, wat besser d'Endresultat ass.

Fixed Iteratiounen


Ech bidden eng fix Unzuel vun Iteratiounen während all Etapp vum Projet, dorënner de Prototyp, Designkonzept a fäerdeg Websäit. Wärend ech ëmmer oppe sinn fir Feedback a Virschléi, zousätzlech Ännerungen iwwer déi ausgemaach Zuel wäerten eng zousätzlech Tax entstoen.

Loosst eis eppes super zesummen kreéieren!


Frequently asked



How long does it typically take to complete a logo design?

The timeline for logo design can vary depending on factors such as complexity, revisions, and client feedback.


Generally, the initial concepts can be delivered within 2 weeks, with additional time needed for revisions and finalisation.


What file formats will I receive upon completion of my design project?

I provide customers with a comprehensive set of file formats suitable for a variety of applications, including vector formats such as AI (Adobe Illustrator) and EPS for scalability, as well as raster formats such as PNG and JPEG for web and print use.


Can you incorporate my existing brand elements into a new design?

Absolutely! I understand the importance of maintaining brand consistency.


If you already have brand elements such as logos, colour schemes, or fonts, I'm happy to incorporate them into your new design to ensure a cohesive brand identity across all your materials.


How do you ensure my website design is visually appealing and easy to use?

My web design process prioritises aesthetics and functionality.


I conduct thorough research into your target audience and industry trends to create designs that not only look great but also provide an intuitive user experience, resulting in greater engagement and conversions.


How much will my project cost?

Typically, a month of work will be €4,000.


However, I don't like to over price projects and we can always scale the budget to fit your needs.


I like to focus on individual projects, so the price includes my total commitment to your project and time.

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